des vieilles charrues
The last time missing ones will not have this chance: Robert Charlebois had to be operated on, so he would be replaced by Georges Moustaki. The Rita Misouko also had to be replaced - because of Fred Chichin's backboneache – by Kat Onoma. PJ Harvey, will be missing with no excuse, that's her choice anyway. Nevertheles, for the first time in 9 years, a special guest invited itself: the rain. Is is the end of the Vieilles Charrues sunny legend?
But there is no time to ask for questions as it is already time to go to press conferences before the concerts. This now takes places in the Espace Glenmor, the brand new culture facility that can gather hundreds of seats. This was built for Carhaix inhabitants just a few steps from the festival big stage. There journalists can comfortably work but they are a bit too far from the festival, bars and from the backstage atmosphere where is it the ideal place to meet artists and volunteers, to gather their confidences, gosspis and scoops.
The journalists interviewed this days amounting 160 years: Henri Salvador and Georges Moustaki. Henri salvador was very smart, so as his musicians dressed up in white from head to feet. As a gentleman from exotic sees, he would reveal he found the weather a bit cold under this rain and he would also ask for a bottle of red wine to get warmer. But not any wine, a Mouton Rotschild or a Pommerol, please. No problem, the staff would find some.
Anyway, this 80 year-old artist is still very fit and reveals a part of his life philosophy: « The most marvelous in life is today and tomorrow. Yesterday ? I don't care! » Nevertheless, if he does not need any viagra pill, then he has to use a teleprompter not to forget the lyrics. No need to apologize, Salvador is now aged 84.
Georges Moustaki congratulates Henri Salvador for beeing « one of the most complete artist » he has never seen. A « métèque ». Moustaki, know for being very relaxed on stage, is very clever at table tennis and would always win against those who dare to play against him. Only a female journalist competitor, 40 years younger than him, would less actually win.
During the press conference, two pairs of eyes (and also two pairs of ears, don't worry) observe them: Henri and Yvon, the Morvan Brothers. They came for the Espace Glenmor inauguration and they ask the festival staff if they could meet their idol Henri Salvador.
The day when this famous French singer would ask to meet the Morvan Brothers (famous in Brittany as traditional kan-ha-diskan singers), then it would be time to open the Chouchenn bottles !
With such artists, the night would be a series of jams and good atmosphere between artists and the audience. Arno, the singer from Belgium, showed the very young audience and his fans his capacities in mixing music styles with his own style.
Rock and tango, Arno whispers « she loves the black to go out at night », courtesy of his grandmother who is the only known owner of a communist brothel in the world. The artist from Ostende can also sing in French so as in Flemish or in English. A very relexed artist since he had booked a massage next to his dressing room before his concert.